Glyphosate and AMPA in drinking water

In March 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) published a report which stated that glyphosate was «probably carcinogenic to humans». Ever since, the use of this chemical has been highly controversial. In some countries, including the USA, there are already limit values in effect for the weed killer.

Glyphosate and AMPA determination

Glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA (aminomethylphosphonic acid) are usually determined by HPLC with post-column derivatization and subsequent fluorescence detection (EPA Method 547), or alternatively by ion chromatography coupled with a mass-selective detector.

Metrohm is pleased to present an application for the straightforward determination of the herbicide glyphosate and its primary metabolite AMPA in drinking water by ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. With a detection limit of approximately 1 µg/L, the method is sensitive enough to comply with limit values in the US, Canada, Australia, and others.

A free whitepaper provides more details on the method and its application.

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