Citric acid in beverages

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Simpler sample preparation. Faster analysis.

Citirc acid is regularly added to carbonated beverages as it acts as a natural preservative while also improving taste.

Of course, it is important to have enough citric acid to prolong shelf life and taste, while avoiding adding too much. Too much of anything is not good for us, and increases cost too.

Ensuring the sample is free of gasses

A key part of citric acid analysis in carbonated beverages is to ensure the sample is free of gasses. How can this be achieved? Sonication, filtration under vacuum and sparging with nitrogen are the common solutions. Of course this adds time to the analysis and requires the analyst to be hands on. With high sample numbers, this makes analysis time consuming.

On-table sample degassing

With on-table sample degassing, Metrohm Australia provides an automated solution for analysis of carbonated beverages. Let us show you how automated titration can speed up analysis in your lab.

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