Multi-colour electrochemistry: SpectroECL

Multi-colour electrochemistry: SpectroECL

SpectroElectrochemiluminescence instrument for Screen-Printed Electrodes.

SpectroECL: Multi-colour electrochemistry

Metrohm DropSens offers a compact and versatile solution to perform SpectroElectrochemiluminescence studies, combining in one equipment a biopotentiostat/galvanostat and a microspectrometer integrated in an innovative cell for Screen-Printed Electrodes. This miniaturized and portable alternative is perfect for performing Electrogenerated ChemiLuminescence (ECL) measurements.

The microspectrometer allows discriminate detection of different luminophores according to their maximum wavelength emission.

In addition, the instrument is compatible with the already available Metrohm DropSens Si-photodiode cell.

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